Level 5

Healthcare Assistant Practitioner (Retired)

Reference Number: ST0215

Details of the apprenticeship standard and occupational profile:

Assistant Practitioners work as part of the wider health and social care team and have direct contact with patients, service users or clients providing high quality and compassionate care. Assistant Practitioners work at a level above that of Healthcare Support Workers and have a more in-depth understanding about factors that influence health and ill-health (e.g. anatomy and physiology). Assistant Practitioner is a job title applied to a very wide variety of roles that have been developed locally by employers to meet individual service need. Upon successful completion of this standard, individuals will have obtained the core skills, knowledge and values/behaviors to become an Assistant Practitioner.

Examples of common work activities include assisting in total patient assessment, coordination of care (including referrals to other practitioners) and higher clinical skills such as catheterisation, wound care and discharge planning. Assistant Practitioners can be found working in a range of areas such as Cancer Services, Physiotherapy, Genito- Urinary Medicine, Orthopaedics, Hospice Care, Mental Health, Social Care, Community, Occupational Therapy, Learning Disabilities as well as hybrid roles that cross traditional occupational areas. Assistant Practitioners will therefore develop additional skills and knowledge based on their employer’s requirements depending on the clinical or professional area within which they are working.


TypeEnd-point Assessment
Product CodeL5EPAAP
Duration of Apprenticeship18 months (not including EPA)
EPA Components1. Multiple Choice & Short Answer Test
2. Observation of Practice
3. Reflective Journal & Interview

Before going forward for End-point Assessment, the apprentice must:

  • The 15 standards required by the Care Quality Commission (as set out in the Care Certificate)
  • Level 2 Maths and English
  • A regulated Level 5 occupational competence qualification
  • A reflective journal

    (The apprentice reflects on their knowledge and skills development as well as their approach to the workplace (the values and behaviours). Evidence must be gathered following completion of their programme of training and development and during the 3 months leading up to the planned date of the end point assessment).

The EPA period should only start once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational standard, that is to say they have achieved occupational competence. In making this decision, the employer may take advice from the apprentice’s training provider(s), but the decision must ultimately be made solely by the employer.

Apprentices must not be put forward for their End-point Assessment before they are ready.

Further information can be found at the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (IfATE) webpage –

Healthcare assistant practitioner / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education


Recruitment Pack

Due to ongoing growth, we are always looking to recruit Independent End Point Assessors, if you meet the requirements and are interested in becoming an Independent End Point Assessor for FutureQuals, please get in touch.

Please click here to view the full person and job specification

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